Peyton Manning Has No Interest in Running for Any Elected Office in 2018

Tennessee Star


As Tennessee potentates, politicos, and possible politicians vie for the various elected offices up for grabs in 2018, one individual makes if clear he will not run for any office at all. In 2018.

Nope. Not interested. Not even a little.

We’re talking, of course, about Vol-for-Life Peyton Manning, who appeared on Nashville’s 3HL on 1045 The Zone Wednesday.

When asked if he might have an interest in running for Bob Corker’s now-open seat, Manning replied:

WATE reports:

Corker announced Tuesday he would retire from the Senate and not seek re-election in 2018, sparking a large amount of buzz about who will run to fill his seat.

Corker himself spoke Wednesday, saying while it was possible Manning would run for his seat, he didn’t think it was likely.

“Is he going to run for this seat? I think the chances are low. Is there a chance down the road that he could be enticed to run for the United States Senate or something like this? I hope so. He’s the kind of person I hope would serve in the public, as I’ve mentioned. Very good friend. Very good person. And he masters things. Y’all knew what he was like as a quarterback. He knew more about the other team than the team knew about themselves, and that’s the way he’d be in this particular position,” Corker said.

While in-studio, Manning was also asked by the 3HL hosts about the rumors of unrest in the Vols locker room. WATE reports Manning said he supports head coach Butch Jones a hundred percent.



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2 Thoughts to “Peyton Manning Has No Interest in Running for Any Elected Office in 2018”

  1. Good News for now. Tired of Sports figures and Actor figures and their politics. Who Cares?

  2. Horatio Bunce

    Why would I want a big Lamar Alexander donor as a Senator?
